Switch to local account - "Windows is already using that name"


I've upgraded from Windows 8 to 8.1 and stupidly created a Microsoft account during the upgrade procedure rather than using a local account (which is what I was using before). I want to go back to using the local account and have tried going to "Your Account" - "Disconnect" - "Switch to a local account". However, as I want everything to go back to how it was before I upgraded I've tried entering the same username as before but I keep getting the following message "Windows is already using that name. Please enter a different username". Is there anyway I can log into a local account using the same username as before or do I need to create a new username (and therefore a new account?).

Any help to make this problem go away would be much appreciated!


  • Edited by Myzopoda Thursday, October 24, 2013 1:28 PM
October 24th, 2013 10:25am


According to your description, I think you may made a misunderstand for your operation. In the interface of Switch to a local account, it means to create a new user account, as you already had a same name local account, you would receive this error report.

If you want to switch to your local account, you can follow the steps below to access other account.

Firstly, check your current user account. Control Panel\User Accounts\User Accounts\Manage User Account. Verifying whether your local account still exists.

Secondly, WIN+C, click Power, then choose Switch User Account. After that, choose your local user account.

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October 27th, 2013 7:58am

I'm having this exact same problem. I want to go back to using a local account but it says "Windows is already using that name." I can't seem to find the local account anymore in the Control Panel or switch user area. When I upgraded to 8.1 and converted my login to a Microsoft account, it must have deleted my local account?

I don't want to start over & create a whole new account with a different name.  How do I fix this problem?

November 4th, 2013 8:01pm


I'm having a similar problem. What do I do if I have created a Windows account when upgrading to 8.1 but I want to go back to my existing local account before I upgraded. I went to the control panel and followed your instructions but my previous local account isn't there anymore. 

I also went to disconnect my Windows account so I can login with my local details and password however, when I tried to create the new local account name it said I couldn't choose it because there was already a Windows account with that name. I don't want to create an account name with silly numbers after it, I just want my name. Could you please help direct me to how I can set up a new local account (or get back my pre-8.1 account) with the same name as my windows account name?


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January 12th, 2014 11:59pm

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